Group Booking with FlixTrain

Are you planning a trip with a large group?

Traveling together is the best way to travel. Whether you're traveling with friends, colleagues, family, a school class or sports team - FlixTrain has the right offer for you.

To ensure that everything runs smoothly, especially for large groups, you can find the most important information about the booking process here.

Getting to your destination quickly and affordably in large groups? We offer spacious coaches, with comfortable and guaranteed seats for everyone in your group. Luggage is included (please check the luggage allowance here). 

Available on the following routes within our current network.

Travel quickly and affordably with up to 100 people in your own train coach. We offer spacious coaches, with comfortable and guaranteed seats for everyone in your group. Luggage is included (please check the luggage allowance here). 

Available on the following routes within our current network:

Berlin <–> Frankfurt/Stuttgart 
Mainz <–> Berlin (from March)  
Cologne/Düsseldorf <–> Berlin/Dresden  
Cologne <–> Hamburg 
Hamburg <–> Berlin/Leipzig